Auto Mechanic Trends in the U.S.

In any industry, surviving and thriving involves identifying and responding to trends. In some cases, change occurs unexpectedly, and rapid adaptation must occur to stay afloat. However, when periods of transformation or disruption are predicted to occur, business owners have the unique opportunity of understanding trends and preparing for the future.

The automotive mechanic industry is no different. New trends are on the horizon – some could have a significant impact on auto shops. In the blog, we aim to help auto shop owners understand upcoming auto mechanic trends in the U.S. and prepare accordingly. Let’s dive in!  

1. Vehicles Are More Reliable

Due to updated, optimized technology and mechanics, vehicles that are being produced today are more reliable than before. For example, synthetic oils are designed to last for a long time without being changed. Automotive shop technicians will need to stay on top of trends to complete work on new vehicles correctly.

2. Vehicles Have Better Telematics

Newer vehicles have increasingly complex telematics. As vehicle owners with sophisticated mechanical systems search for a trustworthy repair shop, knowledge of telematics plays a significant role. Do your technicians have the expertise to repair technologically-advanced systems?

3. Electric Vehicles Are Becoming Popular

In recent decades, electric vehicles are one of the most significant technological advancements in the automotive industry, and they are steadily becoming more popular. In fact, electric car sales are predicted to increase quite significantly in upcoming years.

Of course, as more electric vehicles are purchased, driven, and worn, repair is required. Hybrid cars, a combination of electric and ICE vehicles, also need repair. As electric and hybrid vehicles break down, drivers will search for trusted, highly-skilled technicians with knowledge of their vehicle. Auto shops have the opportunity to capitalize on this need by training technicians to become specialists in emerging markets.

4. Older Vehicles Are Being Driven

Even though newer vehicles are more reliable, new vehicles are not the only automobiles on the road. In fact, one marketing resource suggests that there will be 76 million vehicles older than 16 years in the U.S. this year. Additionally, automobiles 5 years and older on the road are predicted to increase by 25%, while automobiles 12 years and older may increase by 15%. The length of time that vehicles are being owned is increasing.

What does this mean for auto shop owners? You may see an increase in older vehicles requiring repair, maintenance, or upgrading.

5. Automotive Technician Retirement

Across the board, many knowledgeable shop technicians are nearing retirement age. As automotive shops anticipate the widespread retirement of experienced employees, shop owners should be on the lookout for well-equipped, well-trained automotive technicians to fill significant gaps.

6. Cars Are Being Leased

In recent years, Americans have leaned towards leasing rather than purchasing vehicles. This trend is expected to increase this year. Leased automobiles do not require as much maintenance and repair from automobile repair shops.

Auto repair shop owners looking to create a thriving, growing business should consider specializing in emerging markets. As trends change, the door will be open for more business. Additionally, auto repair shops can pursue partnerships with local car leasing companies to maintain a supply of customers from Americans who are leasing vehicles.

Automotive Marketing Tips

As these trends shape the future for automotive shops, how can shop owners begin to respond and prepare?

  • First, diversify! As mentioned, expanding your shop’s expertise into the emerging markets will broaden your customer base. For current technicians, this will involve investing resources in continued education. Beyond emerging markets, technicians should have the expertise to repair technologically advanced computer and telematics systems.
  • Next, make sure you have an internet presence. Consumers are most often looking online for auto services first, and it is critical that your shop has a professional, trustworthy, and reputable digital presence to vouch for your business. Typically, consumers will interact with your website or read your reviews before ever speaking with you face-to-face. The world is trending online, and your shop must meet the customers where they are in order to thrive.

SVI International: Automotive Repair Specialists

Managing a successful automotive shop involves numerous components – and high-quality, trustworthy equipment is an important factor. At SVI International, we are automotive specialists, leaders in repair parts for automotive lifts and industrial equipment.

Auto shop owners commonly browse our shop for brand new automotive lifts, automotive lift repair parts, shop exhaust removal products, brake lathes parts, and tire changer parts. Our offering is extensive, and our response time is one-of-a-kind.

At SVI, we understand that your auto shop cannot be “out of commission” for long. Time is money. This is why we provide on-time delivery from our three “ready-ship” warehouses in Baltimore, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Still have questions? We would love to help. Get in touch with our team at (800) 321-8173 or via our online contact form.

Automotive Scissor Lift: Is it Right for Your Operation?

With the influx of business in the automotive industry, from oil changes to undercarriage maintenance and collision repair, auto shop owners may need to consider acquiring additional auto lifts that cater to their business needs.

automotive scissor lift

However, before purchasing another lift, you must decide which type of auto lift best suits your business needs, whether it’s the same lift you currently use or a new lift model. Consider your load capacity, desired lift height and speed, available shop ceiling height, and accessible floor space. Does an automotive scissor lift best service your current auto shop needs? In the content below, we explore key considerations when buying a lift and discuss how to know if an automotive scissor lift is right for your operation.

What Should I Consider Before Buying A Lift?

Buying a lift requires multiple considerations outside of your anticipated budget and the reliability of the lift’s manufacturing company. Before making a decision, it is imperative that you assess a lift’s intended purpose, functionality, and placement within your auto shop.

Intended Purpose

Before purchasing any lift for your auto shop, evaluate the most common vehicle types you typically service. Are they normally pickup trucksmotorcycles, or traditional compact cars? Determining if an automotive scissor lift is right for your operation depends entirely on assessing your typical load capacity, required lifting height, and desired lift speed.


Given that scissor lifts only function in a vertical fashion, the up and down movements typically originate from hydraulic, pneumatic, or mechanical systems. However, you need to explore the exact specifications your shop lift needs. Therefore, the operational functionality of a lift includes its load capacity, lift height, and operational speed.

Load Capacity

Load capacity refers to the maximum weight your lift can efficiently and safely withstand. Capacities differ based on the lift’s strength, including the size and number of columns or cylinders. As we mentioned before, take into consideration the type of vehicles you most commonly service. Assess which lift type best works with your necessary load capacity to prevent overbearing your auto lift and risking product damage.

Lift Speed

An efficient auto shop operates with lifts that raise and lower a vehicle at an optimal speed. Slower lift times work well for home garages when maintenance, repair, or body work are for personal use. However, a quick lift speed is exceptionally important for high volume repair shops, as long as the speed is regulated for safety.

Lift Height

Lift height is essential when considering again the types of vehicles you service and the maximum height you need the lift to hoist the vehicle. Height is important to consider if your operation often completes undercarriage repair. For example, a lift with a maximum hoist of four feet works best with wheel or body work, however, it does not suffice when underbody maintenance is required.


Once you decide on desired lift applications and functionality, placement is another important consideration. You will find it difficult to accurately select the right lift for your operation if you do not map out your available ceiling height and floor space.

Available Ceiling Height

In conjunction with the lift’s height, consider also the available ceiling height of your auto shop before deciding on a lift that is right for your operation. Does your shop have low ceilings? In order to ensure safe lift installation, your shop’s ceiling height must measure at a minimum of 11 or 12 feet, with clearance for overhead hazards such as lights and fire alarms. The higher your shop’s ceiling is, the wider selection of auto lifts you can choose from.

Available Floor Space

Are you not concerned about the available ceiling height? That’s great! Have you evaluated your shop’s available floor space to see if you have room for the installation of a new auto lift?  Although you may purchase the greatest lift for your operational needs, you cannot install it with cramped floor space. Therefore, measure the available floor space where you intend to install the new lift as many times as needed to guarantee that a lift will fit and provide the necessary room to adequately service vehicles. If you are unsure about the minimum space requirement for your new auto lift, consider contacting a local, reliable installer.

The Benefits of Automotive Scissor Lifts

Purchasing a scissor lift is especially beneficial for auto shops with low ceilings, as you can control the exact lift height desired. As a scissor lift differs from a four-post lift, the lift only takes up the necessary space to effectively service a car, without the use of installed external posts. Once you return the lift to its original, flat position, you no longer need to worry about ceiling height or additional space as the scissor lift shrinks nearly level to the ground.

Additionally, automotive scissor lifts work well with auto shops with less available floor space. When comparing it with two or four-post lifts that require bulky posts and take up shop space, you will find it refreshing to see a scissor lift compress into a small piece of equipment on your shop floor.

Find the Right Lift for Your Operation with SVI International

Whether you decide on an automotive scissor lift, a four-post lift, or any other lift model, it’s imperative that you purchase your lift and lift replacement parts from a highly reputable company. At SVI International, we are the industry’s leading supplier of auto lifts and lift repair parts for all types of automotive lifts.

Along with providing traditional, everyday parts, SVI is known in the industry as the problem solver – tackling specialty lift concerns with innovative products. Our supply of high-quality products can play a significant role in protecting your auto lift investment. We’re just a phone call away. If you have questions, concerns, or need help placing an order, please reach out at (800) 321-8173 or via our online contact form.

Avoid Costly Mistakes: The Importance of Ensuring Proper Usage of Your Vehicle Lifts

Automotive lifts are an essential piece of equipment for both car enthusiasts working from their garage and commercial shops. Safety and proper usage are also imperative in both cases.

Improper usage can result in damage to vehicles or – far worse – serious injury to technicians. The Automotive Lift Institute insightfully wrote, “The prospect of a falling vehicle is much too heavy to take lightly. Lack of training, operator error, being in a hurry, and neglected maintenance will cause lift-related accidents. Lift accidents result in serious consequences.”

In the content below, we discuss the first step to proper lift usage: choosing the correct lift for your desired applications. Then, we’ll list a few important safety tips to keep in mind when operating lifts. Our goal is to provide a helpful guide to avoid lift injury that could have been prevented.

Choose the Proper Lift

Safety begins with choosing the proper lift for your desired applications. Which vehicles will you work on? Are you maintaining motorcycles or semis? Choosing the ideal car hoist for your needs is an essential aspect to ensuring proper usage. Though not a comprehensive list, below are a few of the many different variations of available vehicle lifts:

  • Two-Post Lifts
  • Four-Post Lifts (for cars or trucks)
  • In-Ground Lifts
  • Car Parking Lifts
  • Portable Lifts
  • Air Powered Lifts

Two-Post Lifts:

Certain two-post lifts are powered by hydraulic cylinders, eliminating the need for chains and cables. Hydraulic-powered cylinders can be cost-effective, saving on repairs and heightening safety. Two-post lifts hoist up to around 18,000 lbs., excellent for cars and light trucks. Symmetrical two-post lift models center vehicles, ideal for asymmetrical cars and trucks.

Four-Post Lifts:

Four-post lifts are extremely heavy-duty. These lifts are capable of hoisting cars and lighter trucks; however, they are perfect for lifting large, heavy trucks.

Scissor lifts, unintended for long-term storage, offer a great deal of space around the vehicle under maintenance, regardless of the make or model.

Alignment lifts fall under four-post and scissor lifts. Alignment lifts are perfect for performing wheel alignments, due to radius turn-plates along the front of the lift and floating slip plates along the back.

In-Ground Lifts:

In-ground lifts are commonly seen in quick stop shops. These lifts are un-invasive, low profile, with powerful lifting capabilities of around 8,000 on up to 100,000 plus lbs. In-ground lifts are usually affordable and possess great quality. Perfect for quick jobs in a fast-paced environment, in-ground lifts are a great option for a variety of applications.

Parking Lifts:

Parking lifts are, of course, for vehicle storage. Parking lifts must be durable, secure, high-quality, and trustworthy – able to withstand the weight of a full-sized vehicle for an extended period of time.

Specialty Lifts:

Specialty lifts are important for a wide variety of applications; however, they don’t seamlessly fit into any of the categories listed above.

Heavy-Duty Truck lifts possess extraordinary quality and durability, with secure locking systems. Many heavy-duty truck lifts can hoist trucks over 70,000 lbs.

Utility Vehicle lifts are self-explanatory. These smaller lifts are ideal for ATV repair, turf equipment maintenance, and other small-vehicle applications.

Motorcycle Lifts are small, portable, convenient, and ideal for motorcycles of all sizes.

Safety During Vehicle Hoist Operation

Once your ideal vehicle hoist has been selected, take measures to ensure proper, safe usage. The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) suggests 11 vehicle hoist safety precautions:

  1. Daily, inspect the entire lift, making any necessary repairs with original equipment parts. Never operate a broken or damaged lift.
  2. Don’t block open or override lift controls. Controls are meant to close when released.
  3. Don’t load the lift beyond the manufacturer’s officially stated capacity. Double-check the rated capacity on the plate attached to the lift.
  4. Only trained, authorized personnel should position and operate the lift.
  5. Never lift a vehicle with individuals inside; all bystanders should leave the lift area.
  6. Keep vehicle hoist area clean and free of debris, grease, oil, and trash.
  7. Don’t run over lift arms, adapters, or axle supports with a vehicle. This can damage the vehicle, the lift, or both.
  8. Load vehicle carefully. Position lift supports to contact at the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended lifting points. Lift vehicle to desired height after checking that supports are secure.
  9. Removing or installing components in some vehicles results in a shift in the center of gravity. This will result in instability in the raised vehicle. Always be familiar with the vehicle manufacturer’s service manual for ideal component-removal procedure.
  10. Remove tool trays, stands, etc. from underneath the vehicle before lowering the lift. Also release locking devices before lowering.
  11. Provide an unobstructed exit before removing vehicle from lift. Once again, if the vehicle comes in contact with the lift arms, adapters, or axle supports, the vehicle or lift could suffer damage.

The ALI offers further insight into lift safety, stating that owners and technicians are equally responsible for lift safety. “Owners,” ALI wrote, “must provide technicians with proper training before authorizing them to operate lifting equipment. If the owner does not feel comfortable delivering the training the lift manufacturer or lift service company may be employed. If a facility uses more than one type of lift, separate training must be delivered for each type. Technicians must know the maximum weight capacities, how the controls operate, proper vehicle spotting methods, lift safety features, rules for safe lifting, and good housekeeping procedures.”

On the other hand, technicians must be constantly aware of hazards present during lift operations. As mentioned in the introduction, many accidents can be prevented with careful, safety measures. Being hypervigilant, wearing protective equipment, taking necessary precautions when vehicle is hoisted, and being aware of other technicians are all important steps vehicle-lift operators must consider during operation.

SVI International, Inc

Maintaining the integrity of existing lifts is a crucial component to proper usage. SVI International, Inc is the leader in repair parts for automotive equipment, with over 40,000 repair parts for numerous lifts.

Never operate a damaged lift. If you are in need of repair parts or complete new lifts, explore our extensive inventory – or talk to us for insight into the correct option to choose. We’re always a phone call away. Please call us at (800) 321-8173 or complete our online contact form.

Bendpak Lifts: How Do They Compare to Competitors?

Generally accepted as some of the best auto lifts in the industry, Bendpak lifts are used nationwide to lift and store vehicles of all makes and models. But is this brand of auto lift really all it is cracked up to be? Here, we’ll explore some reasons why you should definitely consider a Bendpak lift, as well as some reasons that may have you choose a different option. One thing is for sure: by the time you’re done reading this blog, you will have all the information you need to make the wisest decision for your auto lift needs. 

Why Bendpak? 

There are many reasons why everyone from car enthusiasts to full-blown mechanic shops might want to make a Bendpak lift a staple in their garage. Here are just a few of the most important ones. 

A Wide Selection of Products & Lifts 

Bendpak has been in business for nearly 50 years, and during that time they have created many types of lifts – all of which were built to be the best. Two-post Bendpak lifts have been found in machine shops and garages across the country for many years, as they are an ideal solution for a wide range of lifting capacities, vehicle types, and specifications. They also come in both symmetric and asymmetric options. While the one you choose will come down to personal preference, it is nice to know that both options are available. 

Bendpak also offers four-post lifts, large parking lifts, alignment lifts, low-rise scissor lifts, mid-rise scissor lifts, full-rise scissor lifts, mobile column lifts, portable car lifts, 4-post bridge jacks, and a wide array of accessories and power units. Regardless of your specific needs, there is almost certainly a Bendpak auto lift which will get the job done. 

Fast Rising Auto Lifts 

One of the major benefits of Bendpak lifts, one which is discussed on many forums, is just how quickly these lifts rise. For example, the Bendpak XPR-10AS is one of the fastest rising lifts on the market, taking just 45 seconds to reach full height. That speed means you will not be sitting around all day waiting to work on your vehicle. Combine that speed with the sheer quality and precision of these lifts, and it becomes difficult to find a match. 

High Capacity for any Size Vehicle 

With all the options available, as well as the high-quality products these lifts are made from, Bendpak lifts are notoriously strong. Capable of handling just about any vehicle you want to put on them, Bendpak lifts are some of the strongest lifts for their size on the market. In fact, Bendpak claims that their wire ropes, sheaves, and axles are aircraft-quality, over-engineered to withstand some 600-800% more than the lift’s rated weight capacity. Whether you want to put that claim to the test with your own lift is up to you, but one thing is for sure: when you need to lift a wide assortment of vehicles, that extra strength can come in handy. 

Why Not Bendpak? 

Higher Quality Sometimes Means Higher Costs 

Because of their quality, durability, and brand, Bendpak lifts can often be more costly than other alternatives. Bendpak claims that their lifts have thicker columns, wider base plates, longer runways, and better-gripping rise platforms than other lift options, which may explain why they tend to be more expensive. These lifts can also come with standard built-in safety features as well as accessories and adapter kits which can help your machine have a longer operating life. 

While they are not the most expensive options available, the cost of Bendpak lifts can be enough to push some auto enthusiasts or garages in a different direction. Depending on your needs, our team at SVI International can help you find a Bendpak lift that will work for you. If the Bendpak brand doesn’t end up suiting you, we can also point you in a different direction that will be equally as effective.

Alternatives to Bendpak Lifts

There are many brands and options of auto lifts available. In fact, there are so many that it can often seem hopeless trying to select the best one for your garage. Here, we will walk through a few of the most common and popular lift alternatives to help get you started. 


Triumph auto lifts are known for their versatility and affordability. However, they do not always perform well when they begin to age. That initial low price may come back to haunt you later on as replacement parts, or an entirely new lift begin to be necessary. 


Atlas lifts are another great American brand that delivers decent quality and affordability. They compare nicely with Bendpak and will provide an excellent alternative. 


Challenger lifts also work nicely for most needs and garages. However, those who can afford the steeper pricing often choose Bendpak over Challenger models for various reasons. 

There are many other brands of auto lifts out there, including Mohawk, Nussbaum, Gemini, and more. SVI has parts for all of these brands. 

SVI: Your Automotive Industry Solution 

If you have any questions about which type of auto lift may be best for you, do not hesitate to contact our team immediately. We can help you sort out the winners and ensure you choose the perfect lift. If you are still not ready to give up on your favorite old lift, we can also help you find or manufacture the replacement parts you need to get “old reliable” back to peak performance. 

SVI International is known as the problem solver of the industry. If we cannot find your part amongst our three warehouses, 50 product lines, and over 40 thousand parts, we will work with you to manufacture the part you need with precision and high quality. When you have an automotive question, SVI is the answer. Contact our team today to get started.