Auto Lifts For Home Garage

Auto shops and garages alike are dedicated to providing the best services to their clients in an efficient and timely matter. Doing so begins with choosing the right garage lifting equipment.

Have you recently opened a garage repair shop and need help deciding on a new piece of lifting equipment? Are you a veteran in the auto industry and ready to expand your shop with new garage lifting equipment? We can help! Below, we discuss our top five lifts and garage lifting equipment that are versatile, durable, and highly effective for your auto shop needs.

Before Selecting your Garage Lifting Equipment

While shopping for different garage lifting equipment, there are several things to know and consider prior to purchasing a lift. Below are three important aspects to examine before you choose which model to purchase.

Your Shop’s Ceiling Height

Before buying a lift for your garage, consider the height of your workspace. Does it have low ceilings? To ensure a safe lift installation, your garage’s ceiling height must measure at a minimum of 11 or 12 feet, with clearance for overhead hazards such as lights and fire alarms. The higher the ceiling is, the wider selection of auto lifts you can choose from.

Available Floor Space

Although ceiling height may not be a cause for concern in your garage, assess the remaining floor space available for the installation of a new auto lift. You may purchase the greatest lift for your garage only to find out it is physically impossible to feasibly install it in your cramped floor space.

Have you considered how much space an auto lift needs? It is imperative that you measure as many times as needed for you to guarantee that a lift will not only fit, but also provide the necessary room to adequately service vehicles. If you are unsure about the minimum space requirement for your new auto lift, consider contacting a local and reliable installer.

The Intended Purpose of Your Lift

Consider the most common vehicle types your garage services. Are they pickup trucksmotorcycles, or traditional, compact and SUV cars? Making a wise auto lift purchase depends on assessing and determining your typical load capacity, needed lift height, and desired lift speed.

Auto Lifts for Home Garage

Once you determine your available ceiling height, floor space, and the intended purpose of your garage lifting equipment, it is time to explore the most reliable, durable, and efficient lifts.

#1. Frame Engaging Lifts

Excellent for use in home garages, low-rise frame engaging lifts – often scissor or parallelogram style – are the most basic model available. These lifts often have a load capacity of under 3 tons.

Electric-hydraulic or compressed air often drive frame engaging lift movement. It is important to note that frame engaging lifts do not provide access to the entire underside of the vehicle. Therefore, low-rise frame engaging lifts are most often employed for wheel work or body projects.

#2. Two-Post Surface Mounted Lifts

Two-post surface mounted lifts are one of the most common types, often utilized in “drive-through” maintenance shops – drive in, fix the car, drive out. Consisting of two columns, these lifts are named for their design. These lifts are built either symmetrically or asymmetrically.

Most mechanic shops will own two-post surface mounted lifts, because surface mounted lifts generally allow for full access to the underside of the vehicle. Full reach under the car makes repairs of any kind easy to access, especially exhaust or fuel system work. Therefore, two-post lifts must be bolted to the floor, eliminating easy mobility. If the lift will remain put, this will not be an issue.

#3. Four-Post Lifts

The four-post lift is commonly considered the most popular and versatile car lift a shop can utilize. Due to extra support, four-posts lifts are extremely sturdy, with greater load capacity than their two-post counterparts.

Four-post runway lifts are wheel-engaging, allowing vehicles to drive directly onto the lift. The lift can adjust to the work being done.

With a four-post lift, you can reach heights of up to 14 feet to work on a vehicle. Their load capacity makes four-post lifts a common solution in the automotive repair industry.

Certain four-post lifts do not require anchorage to the floor, allowing them to be moved with ease when needed. Though common in a professional setting, four-post lifts can also be found in the hands of homeowners and automotive enthusiasts – largely due to their mobility and use as a way to store more cars in small space one right over the other. Furthermore, four-post lifts can double as storage, allowing for two cars stacked in the same location.

#4. Drive-On Parallelogram Lifts

The parallelogram lift resembles both the four-post lift and scissor lift. In functionality, the parallelogram lift is drive-on, like the four-post. Aesthetically, it resembles a scissor lift with accordion-like hoisting mechanisms beneath runways. The parallelogram differentiates itself in mobility; it moves slightly forward or backward while in motion.

#5. In-Ground Lifts

In-ground lifts have been a widespread component of automotive shops for years, an industry standard. Their key characteristic is in the name; these lifts descend into the floor when not in use. In-ground lifts are also popular for flexibility of design. They can either be frame or wheel engaging.

In-ground auto lifts are often equal in cost to other lifts and do require more installation steps and time. However, their unique functionality, low cost of ownership and durability have proved extraordinary in automotive repair shops and home garages for decades.

Find the Right Auto Lift for Your Shop at SVI International

Are you still searching for an auto lift that is best for your auto shop? Finding a reliable auto lift supplier with high-quality products does not have to be difficult.

At SVI International, we are dedicated to quality. As industry leaders in repair parts for automotive and industrial equipment, we offer 40,000 repair parts from 50 product lines. Our products are distributed between 3 warehouses, scattered across the country, allowing for fast, reliable shipping.

Beside repair parts, we are known as the problem solver in the industry. We understand custom. Whether you’re looking for specialty lifts, repair parts, or innovative products, we welcome you to reach out today. Contact us today at (800) 321-8173 or by submitting our online contact form.

Bendpak Lifts: How Do They Compare to Competitors?

Generally accepted as some of the best auto lifts in the industry, Bendpak lifts are used nationwide to lift and store vehicles of all makes and models. But is this brand of auto lift really all it is cracked up to be? Here, we’ll explore some reasons why you should definitely consider a Bendpak lift, as well as some reasons that may have you choose a different option. One thing is for sure: by the time you’re done reading this blog, you will have all the information you need to make the wisest decision for your auto lift needs. 

Why Bendpak? 

There are many reasons why everyone from car enthusiasts to full-blown mechanic shops might want to make a Bendpak lift a staple in their garage. Here are just a few of the most important ones. 

A Wide Selection of Products & Lifts 

Bendpak has been in business for nearly 50 years, and during that time they have created many types of lifts – all of which were built to be the best. Two-post Bendpak lifts have been found in machine shops and garages across the country for many years, as they are an ideal solution for a wide range of lifting capacities, vehicle types, and specifications. They also come in both symmetric and asymmetric options. While the one you choose will come down to personal preference, it is nice to know that both options are available. 

Bendpak also offers four-post lifts, large parking lifts, alignment lifts, low-rise scissor lifts, mid-rise scissor lifts, full-rise scissor lifts, mobile column lifts, portable car lifts, 4-post bridge jacks, and a wide array of accessories and power units. Regardless of your specific needs, there is almost certainly a Bendpak auto lift which will get the job done. 

Fast Rising Auto Lifts 

One of the major benefits of Bendpak lifts, one which is discussed on many forums, is just how quickly these lifts rise. For example, the Bendpak XPR-10AS is one of the fastest rising lifts on the market, taking just 45 seconds to reach full height. That speed means you will not be sitting around all day waiting to work on your vehicle. Combine that speed with the sheer quality and precision of these lifts, and it becomes difficult to find a match. 

High Capacity for any Size Vehicle 

With all the options available, as well as the high-quality products these lifts are made from, Bendpak lifts are notoriously strong. Capable of handling just about any vehicle you want to put on them, Bendpak lifts are some of the strongest lifts for their size on the market. In fact, Bendpak claims that their wire ropes, sheaves, and axles are aircraft-quality, over-engineered to withstand some 600-800% more than the lift’s rated weight capacity. Whether you want to put that claim to the test with your own lift is up to you, but one thing is for sure: when you need to lift a wide assortment of vehicles, that extra strength can come in handy. 

Why Not Bendpak? 

Higher Quality Sometimes Means Higher Costs 

Because of their quality, durability, and brand, Bendpak lifts can often be more costly than other alternatives. Bendpak claims that their lifts have thicker columns, wider base plates, longer runways, and better-gripping rise platforms than other lift options, which may explain why they tend to be more expensive. These lifts can also come with standard built-in safety features as well as accessories and adapter kits which can help your machine have a longer operating life. 

While they are not the most expensive options available, the cost of Bendpak lifts can be enough to push some auto enthusiasts or garages in a different direction. Depending on your needs, our team at SVI International can help you find a Bendpak lift that will work for you. If the Bendpak brand doesn’t end up suiting you, we can also point you in a different direction that will be equally as effective.

Alternatives to Bendpak Lifts

There are many brands and options of auto lifts available. In fact, there are so many that it can often seem hopeless trying to select the best one for your garage. Here, we will walk through a few of the most common and popular lift alternatives to help get you started. 


Triumph auto lifts are known for their versatility and affordability. However, they do not always perform well when they begin to age. That initial low price may come back to haunt you later on as replacement parts, or an entirely new lift begin to be necessary. 


Atlas lifts are another great American brand that delivers decent quality and affordability. They compare nicely with Bendpak and will provide an excellent alternative. 


Challenger lifts also work nicely for most needs and garages. However, those who can afford the steeper pricing often choose Bendpak over Challenger models for various reasons. 

There are many other brands of auto lifts out there, including Mohawk, Nussbaum, Gemini, and more. SVI has parts for all of these brands. 

SVI: Your Automotive Industry Solution 

If you have any questions about which type of auto lift may be best for you, do not hesitate to contact our team immediately. We can help you sort out the winners and ensure you choose the perfect lift. If you are still not ready to give up on your favorite old lift, we can also help you find or manufacture the replacement parts you need to get “old reliable” back to peak performance. 

SVI International is known as the problem solver of the industry. If we cannot find your part amongst our three warehouses, 50 product lines, and over 40 thousand parts, we will work with you to manufacture the part you need with precision and high quality. When you have an automotive question, SVI is the answer. Contact our team today to get started. 

How To Repair An Air Compressor Tank

Air compressors are useful for a wide range of applications across auto repair shops and garages. Unfortunately, we have probably all been in a situation where our compressor was not working properly. From filling tires to operating air-powered tools, you need a reliable air compressor to get the job done. Here, we will outline a few of the different types and components of air compressors and how to repair an air compressor.

Be Extremely Cautious About Trying to Repair a Tank

It should be noted first and foremost that SVI never condones or encourages home repair of the air tank itself on your compressor. Again, you should NEVER attempt to repair an air compressor tank. Even trained professionals rarely do so.

Why? Because of the large amounts of pressure and forces being created by an air compressor, making an improper repair can result in huge safety concerns. An incorrectly repaired tank can cause your equipment to explode violently and without notice, potentially resulting in severe injury or death. With that in mind, here are three ways to begin making a repair on your air compressor.

3 Methods of Air Compressor Tank Repair

Method #1

If there is a simple issue with a valve or hose, you can easily replace the part. Simply contact our team, tell us which part is broken and what type of compressor you use, and we will be able to find or manufacture a repair part for you.

Method #2

If there is an issue with your air compressor’s tank, any repair efforts will need to be put on hold. Most likely, you will want to replace the entire tank to avoid any future complications. 

Method #3

If your air compressor is relatively old and you think it is time for an upgrade, you can purchase an entirely new air compressor and avoid the need for repairs altogether.

Air Compressor Tank Types

If you decide that replacing your tank is all the repair you will need, there are several different types of air compressor tank types. Each of these tanks are relatively similar in terms of function, but there are some nuanced differences you will want to consider.

The main factors you will want to look out for are the capacity of the tank and your storage requirements. In some cases, the type of tank that suits you best may simply be the tank type with which you are the most familiar.

Pancake Compressors are storage tanks which are flat and round. On pancake compressors, the tank is bolted to the bottom of the machine. The shape of these compressors makes them easier to store and are usually best suited for those who want an air compressor at home.

Hot Dog Compressors include a single cylindrical shaped tank. These compressors are designed horizontally to optimize their ability to be stored.

Twin-Stack Compressors have two cylindrical and horizontal tanks side-by-side. These style of air compressors increase the air capacity of the machine for those who need compressed air regularly.

Wheelbarrow Compressors are all about ease of mobility. They come with handles and wheels for easy movement. While they can differ, most of these types of configurations also have two cylindrical, horizontal tanks.

Features to Seek in Replacement Air Compressor Tanks

Tank Size

The size of the tank you choose will have direct, nominal influences on your ability to work efficiently. Larger tanks result in a greater air capacity that can be compressed throughout your workday. However, if you do not have long working hours, or can complete your work in sections, waiting for the air pressure to build again, smaller tanks may be an equally useful option for you.

Air Pressure Rating

Air pressure rating is a major area of consideration when selecting the correct air compressor tank. Most tanks require a rating of 90 PSA (pounds per square inch) to operate effectively. To achieve this, you may need to adjust your air compressor’s shut off procedure.

Most industrial air compressors have tanks with a two-stage shut off. Commercial or home compressors usually only have one stage. When determining which is best for you, compare your current tank’s pressure rating to the new one. Your main objective will be making sure it is compatible with your existing compressor.


One of the best ways to ensure your new air compressor tank meets your needs is to view the horsepower available. There are many overrated horsepower air compressors, so be sure to take this into account during your search for a replacement. Motors with different horsepower will take different amperage and voltage requirements. Additionally, selecting either a gas or electric motor will also impact the rating, yet gas motors tend to be more popular. However, with advancing technology, electric motors may become more common.

Air Compressor Longevity

Duty Cycle

There are many issues impacting the life expectancy of your air compressor and the tank attached. One is referenced as the duty cycle. The duty cycle expresses how long you can keep your air tank running as a percentage. Many home compressor tanks have a duty cycle of around 50%. That means you should not run the compressor for more than 5 minutes at a time. If you go over that time allotment, it will not fry your engine immediately, but it will lower the life expectancy of your machine. Over time, running your compressor for longer than the duty cycle allows may also cause severe damage to your tank.


Another issue to address that affects the lifespan of your air compressor is moisture. Moisture can accumulate in a tank as it begins to cool off. Longer use periods will result in more moisture; therefore, the best option is to choose a larger sized tank. This will allow you to use your air compressor for longer durations without moisture becoming an issue.

Alternatively, many experts in high humidity areas will use a moisture trap to collect water. These traps do not impact the air compressor’s performance.


The final factor which will impact the longevity of your air compressor is the cost. There are many deals out there but remember: you get what you pay for.

This is not to say that you will have to break the bank just to get a decent air compressor tank but be sure to be on the lookout for “deals” that are too good to be true. You may end up paying for that more expensive tank you decided against not long after purchasing a cheap alternative.

Get the Best Auto Parts for Your Needs – Partner with SVI

SVI International is the industry leader in repair parts for automotive lifts and industrial equipment. When you work with our team, we will be sure to provide you with the best solution for your needs, at an affordable cost.

Contact our team today to get started.