When Is an Auto Bus Lift Required?

Due to the alternative vehicle dimensions, mechanics cannot effectively or safely utilize traditional auto lifts to service heavy-duty vehicles, including buses, semi-trucks, or trailers. Fortunately, multiple manufacturers designed a solution fit for larger vehicles and introduced the auto bus lift.

Are you wondering why or when one should use a bus lift? In the content below, we discuss the purpose of a heavy-duty bus lift, address when an auto bus lift is required, and explore three common types of auto bus lifts.

What Is the Purpose of a Heavy-Duty Bus Lift?

When dealing with any automotive vehicle, it is paramount to ensure proper use of vehicle lifts. Furthermore, it is unsafe to hoist a vehicle too large or too heavy for a standard auto lift.

Therefore, heavy-duty truck and bus lifts possess extraordinary quality and enhanced durability, complete with secure locking system. As a standard to heavy-duty regulations, most bus and truck lifts can hoist nearly 70,000 lbs.

When Is an Auto Bus Lift Required?

Essentially, your operation must utilize an auto bus lift when any heavy-duty vehicle needs servicing, maintenance, or cleaning tasks completed. To adhere to safety regulations within your auto shop, any non-standard vehicle (sedan, sports car, pickup truck, SUV, or minivan) requires a special auto lift that ensures a safe environment for you and your staff.

Therefore, whether you occasionally service a bus or complete maintenance on an entire fleet of trucks and buses, you must work with a heavy-duty auto lift.

Types of Bus Lifts

Before purchasing any type of car lift, it is imperative that you consider every aspect of both your current shop’s condition and what vehicles you intend to service. Assess your lift needs by answering the following questions:

  • What is your required load capacity? To safely operate any lift, we recommend purchasing a lift that exceeds your load capacity.
  • Do you have a specific lift height needed? Whether you need to raise a vehicle high for your mechanics or your shop has low ceilings, take the lift height into serious consideration.
  • How quickly would you like the lift to raise and lower the vehicle? While seemingly unimportant, consider how many times your mechanics raise and lower vehicles each day. Any opportunities to save time could generate a more productive workday.
  • How much power is required to hoist a vehicle? Determine how much psi your hydraulic system would need to supply to operate your lift effectively and safely.

Once you determine the need for a bus lift, you can then refine your selections based on your preferred model. Below, we discuss three common heavy-duty lift types that support multiple truck and bus vehicles.

power post auto bus lift front and rear

#1. In Ground – Front and Rear Bus Lifts

In-ground auto bus lifts, also known as power post lifting systems, prove extremely durable. With countless applications spanning from fire departments and municipal garages to airports and utility companies, these in-ground front and rear bus lifts range in heavy-duty lifting capacities. Below are two great models that cater to different weight classes.


  • Lifting capacity: 24,000 lbs., 12,000lbs front and 12,000lbs rear
  • Single moveable front and single stationary rear
  • Axle engaging with modified narrow range rear saddle
  • Adjustable front cylinder for various wheelbase lengths
  • Air/hydraulic oil or Citgo “Aquamarine” oil operated
  • Post diameters: 10-5/8” front and rear
  • Displacement: 50 gallons
  • Lift height: 67” front and 69-3/4” rear based on standard adapters
  • Multiple lip seal design for increased performance


  • Lifting capacity at 250psi: 72,000lbs., 36,000 front and 36,000 rear
  • Lifting capacity at 350psi: 100,000lbs., 50,000 front and 50,000 rear
  • Axle engaging front saddle and adapters. I-Beam style rear superstructure equipped with adjustable saddles and adapters to engage vehicle axles, suspension, or cross frame member
  • Adjustable front cylinder for various wheelbase lengths
  • Electric/hydraulic oil or Citgo “Aquamarine” oil operated
  • Post diameters: (2) 10-5/8” front and (2) 10-5/8” rear
  • Lift height: 67” front and 69-3/4” rear based on standard adapters
  • Multiple lip seal design for increased performance
in ground single post bus lift

#2. In Ground – Single Post Bus Lifts

Single Post bus lifts are “multi-duty” free wheel lifts that offer an extra lifting capacity for passenger cars and light trucks. Therefore, your shop can efficiently operate on smaller buses and trucks in compliance with the below lift models and weight capacities.


  • Cylinder Diameter: 10-5/8”
  • Center Load Capacity at 175psi: 12,000lbs., 6,000 front and 6,000 rear
  • Superstructure: 6” rails and 216” long
  • Lifting Height: 65”
  • Rail Length: 17’


  • Cylinder Diameter: 10-5/8”
  • Center Load Capacity at 175psi: 15,000lbs., 7,500 front and 7,500 rear
  • Superstructure: 6” rails and 216” long
  • Lifting Height: 65”
  • Rail Length: 20’
two post bus lift

#3. In Ground – Two-Post Bus Lifts

As another free wheel, recessed rail style lift, two post bus lifts offer twin connecting rails that accommodate all cars and trucks. As a result, your shop can utilize this lift type to service any vehicle type. Below are two popular two-post bus lift models that effectively cater to multiple bus, truck, and heavy-duty vehicle dimensions.


  • Cylinder Diameter: (2) 10-5/8”
  • Center Load Capacity at 175psi: 24,000lbs., 12,000 front and 12,000 rear
  • Superstructure: 6” rails and 288” long
  • Lifting Height: 65”
  • Rail Length: 24’


  • Cylinder Diameter: (2) 12-5/8”
  • Center Load Capacity at 175psi: 30,000lbs., 15,000 front and 15,000 rear
  • Superstructure: 8” rails and 360” long
  • Lifting Height: 65”
  • Rail Length: 30’

Find the Right Lifting Application at SVI International

Whether you are searching for a specific replacement part or are looking to find the best lifting solution for your auto shop, we are here to help. SVI International is the industry leader in automotive lifts and lift repair parts.

We provide over 40,000 repair parts for a plethora of lifts and brand-new auto lifts of extraordinary quality. SVI provides innovative solutions to solve industry challenges. If in need of a discontinued part, our expert mechanical engineers will design a cost-effective alternative solution for you.

Are you interested in learning more about our products or ready to request a quote? Contact us today at (800) 321-8173 or by submitting our online contact form.

Why Do I Need to Get My Car Lift Inspected?

Man inspecting car lift

Car lifts are used in vehicle repair shops, car dealerships, and home garages. Depending on your needs, you can use a car lift to store your vehicle or lift your car for maintenance and repair.

As a mechanic, lifts are used constantly throughout the day to get underneath cars for necessary repairs. Over time, you will likely need to tighten a car lift’s bolts and pins, lubricate its posts, and tighten anchor bolts. In addition, you’ll need to check all the parts to ensure everything is in working order.

Car lifts need regular maintenance, like any mechanical equipment, to ensure continued safety. While monthly maintenance is recommended for any car lift, an annual inspection is critical for many reasons. 

What happens during an auto lift inspection? 

An auto lift inspector must confirm that all components are in working order and that your lift is safe. The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) Lift Inspector Certification Program is the only independent certificate for lift inspector qualification in North America. While some may claim that their inspector can inspect lifts, choose one that is ALI certified. 

During an auto lift inspection, the ALI-certified inspector: 

  • Examines all accessible components for evidence of overloading or misuse
  • Checks the electrical wiring and components
  • Reviews the lift controls to ensure accessibility
  • Locates the safety instructions, lift safety labeling, capacity labeling, vehicle-lifting information, and any documentation
  • Verifies adequate clearances around the lift
  • Checks that all fastening devices are tight
  • Operates the lift and checks the operation of the positive stop
  • Verifies that the lift locks engage in the fully extended position
  • Checks all lubrication points for cleanliness and required lubrication
  • Checks all chains and cables for excessive slack

Every manufacturer provides specific instructions for correctly and thoroughly inspecting each lift. ALI inspectors are extremely qualified to inspect your lift, regardless of manufacturer. 

Benefits of an auto lift inspection 

An annual auto lift inspection by a certified lift inspector allows you to keep a safe working environment and your business in compliance, among numerous other benefits. 

Keeps a safe work environment 

Safety is the priority when a mechanic stands underneath a car weighing a minimum of 2,000 pounds. One minor issue with a lift can cause severe damage to the vehicle, the lift, and the mechanic. 

An annual auto lift inspection (at the very least) will ensure that your lift is safe and trustworthy and your work environment is safe for your employees. 

Identifies repair needs 

An annual inspection lets you identify repair needs before the issue becomes problematic. An inspector will review the lift from top to bottom and inspect every detail to ensure it’s in working order. 

Issues that arise will be noted so you can fix or repair the necessary parts. Using a car lift that hasn’t been appropriately inspected is a safety hazard to your employees and a liability for your business. 

Maintains employee trust 

Mechanics want to feel safe in their job, and standing underneath a vehicle that weighs at least 2,000 pounds is a significant risk. 

An annual inspection lets employees know that the car lift is safe and reliable, maintaining employee trust. 

Confidence for vehicle owners 

Vehicle owners will have confidence in mechanics who follow safety protocols for their working environment, including inspecting auto lifts. 

Vehicle owners take pride in their cars and don’t want to worry that the lift will malfunction while maintenance is done. A safe car lift provides confidence for customers. 

Stay on top of manufacturer-recommended timelines 

Every manufacturer has recommended timelines for maintenance and inspection. Following their specific recommendations keeps every part of the auto lift working in the best possible way. 

Extends the life of the lift 

If you let wear and tear affect your lift without inspection and repair, your car lift will not live a long life. 

However, an auto lift inspection allows a certified technician to inspect your lift, giving it a thorough workup. This complete workup allows everything to be tightened, greased, adjusted and fixed. 

An annual inspection extends the life of your auto lift. 

Keeps your business in compliance 

The American National Standard (ANSI), which outlines the safety criteria for proper vehicle lift operation, inspection, and maintenance, mandates that every lift be inspected at least once a year by a certified lift inspector. 

If you fail to meet these requirements, your auto lift will fail to comply with ANSI. Therefore, to keep your business in compliance, it’s required to have your car lifts inspected on an annual basis (at the very minimum). 

Peace of mind 

Nothing is better than peace of mind as a business owner, employee, or customer. An annual (at minimum) inspection of your car lift provides peace of mind to everyone- the mechanic standing under the lift, the customer whose vehicle is on the lift, and the owner responsible for the lift’s safety and operation. 

Lowers the risk of injuries 

Your employees are less likely to be hurt at work if you inspect your lift machines regularly. The inspector will check the emergency controls, steering, brakes, electrical systems, and hydraulic systems to ensure they are in good working order. The inspection also includes searching for physical problems such as corrosion, inspecting hooks for abnormalities, and determining the gauges’ accuracy. These actions lessen the likelihood of the device failing and causing an accident. 

Increases Productivity and Decrease Downtime 

Workflow is disrupted when lift equipment malfunctions, and some projects may have to be rescheduled. However, you can avoid mechanical breakdown with an annual inspection. Although the inspection process may seem lengthy, repairing the unit once it has completely failed will take far longer.

Contact SVI for your Parts and Maintenance Needs

Regular maintenance is the best approach to avoiding malfunctions and future difficulties. Should you need parts for your lift, SVI is here to help you. We have everything that you might need to stay safe and productive. Contact us today at (800) 321-8173 and we can offer you same-day shipping on in-stock parts! 

Why Your Car Lift Is Stuck and How to Fix It

For automotive repair, service, and maintenance teams, car lifts are a crucial tool that can make the majority of daily tasks much more manageable. Before the hydraulic car lift was invented in 1925, mechanics resorted to crawling under vehicles to make repairs, or even digging holes to stand in with the car parked overhead. Nowadays, these uncomfortable — and potentially risky — strategies are unnecessary thanks to the convenience and efficiency of the modern car lift. Despite the numerous benefits that car lifts offer mechanics and service teams today, they are vulnerable to a series of issues that could cause a car lift to get stuck over the course of its life. With nearly 50 years of valuable experience manufacturing high-quality automotive lift parts and equipment, SVI International is pleased to share the following information about common car lift issues and solutions for vehicle repair today.

Common Car Lift Issues and Solutions

There are a number of reasons why an automotive lift might get stuck mid-air or on the ground. However, before you start troubleshooting, it’s important to identify which type of car lift you are working with. While the most common types of car lifts are two-post lifts and four-post lifts, mechanics and repair shops may also use scissor lifts, in-ground lifts, semi-and full-hydraulic lifts, low and mid-rise lifts and more. Generally speaking, the most common causes for a lift to be stuck are:

  • Not enough oil/faulty oil level reader
  • Damaged pump or valve
  • Leak in the hydraulic system
  • Low fluid

While these are some of the most common causes for a car lift to be stuck, the following tendencies may cause two-post and four-post car lifts, specifically, to be stuck when raising or lowering a vehicle.

Two-Post Car Lifts

As its name suggests, a two-post car lift utilizes two columns to stabilize a surface car lift that raises a vehicle into the air. Two-post lifts are actually the most common type of surface-mounted car lift in use today. If you’re wondering what to do if your car lift gets stuck, it’s always a good idea to eliminate the “simpler” issues first.

For example, a car lift could get stuck at the top due to the vehicle being loaded off-center. Always ensure that vehicles are loaded on-center to avoid this issue. A lift may also stop because the latches are engaging, in which case they should be adjusted or replaced. Lastly, the lift’s cylinder orifice could be plugged. To clear the orifice, simply loosen the cylinder bleeder or crack a line to lower the lift.

Four-Post Car Lifts

If your four-post car lift is stuck, start troubleshooting by checking whether or not the lift’s latches are adjusted correctly. If not, readjust accordingly. Next, a stuck lift could indicate a leak in the air line that leads to the latches, which would require a repair. Insufficient air pressure could also be the culprit for a stuck four-post car lift, in which case you can simply raise the pressure to its correct amount to continue lowering the lift.

The problem causing a stuck lift could also be an air switch that is not releasing, a stuck air latch cylinder, or a bent slack cable latch. In these cases, it is helpful to replace the air latch cylinder, cable latch or air switch to allow the lift to lower.

SVI International, Your One-Stop-Shop For Car Lift Solutions

As the leading parts supplier for the automotive lift industry today, SVI International has it all when it comes to auto lift repair and maintenance. Not only is our team proud to offer a range of 20,000 auto lift repair parts; we also provide our customers with a reliable supply of legacy parts that correspond to car lifts that are no longer manufactured. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, SVI International is pleased to be your partner throughout car lift repairs, engineering, and maintenance. With 3 “Ready Ship” warehouses strategically positioned across the country, our team makes sure that your car lifts stay up and running with same-day shipping on the majority of in-stock parts. To learn more about how to resolve your car lift issues or enhance your day-to-day operations with our fantastic parts, simply give us a call at +1(800) 321-8173 or fill out our quick contact form today.