Mufflers / Noise Control Products – ALWITCO / Allied Witan Company – Bantam™ Mufflers
Ideal for use where space is limited
Tough and compact, the Bantam™ Muffler from ALWITCO is durably constructed of corrosion-resistant metals to withstand shock and continuous heavy duty use under all types of conditions.The Bantam Muffler is designed with a precise distribution of peripheral openings in a zinc-plated steel and brass acoustical element, which softly disperses exhaust air uniformly over a 360° pattern. All stainless steel construction is also available for very corrosive or sensitive situations.Supplied with a standard pipe thread fitting, the Bantam Muffler can be attached directly to the exhaust ports of air-operated equipment.
SVI is proud to be an ALWITCO / Allied Witan distributor. Contact SVI today!